Success in Business-A Brand Equity Perspective
- 1 Department of Travel Management, Tourism Hospitality School, Hsing Wu Institute of Technology, Taiwan
Problem statement: The study has been mainly attempted to find out the impact of the brand equity in overall success of the firm. The research has primarily been created to present a study on the significance of brand equity and its relevance in affecting the financial performance of the organization. Approach: The study has been conducted on the basis of secondary resources. The researches of different authors and theorists on the subject of brand equity and its relevance in affecting the financial performance of the organization have been consulted and analysed to present a research study through this report. Results: The study studies the various research activity carried out on brand equity and its link with the financial performance of the organization. It has been accepted that branding has significant contribution to increase the profitability and the shareholders value which directly leads to the success of the business. Conclusion: The study has provided with a detailed understanding of brand equity. It also represents an original piece of work based on the studies and researches conducted by different researchers made earlier and the information gathered have been analysed to reach to a conclusion as well as open opportunities for further studies and researches.
Copyright: © 2012 Sheng Chung Lo. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 9 Citations
- Brand equity
- business performance
- marketing strategies