Research Article Open Access

Renal and Epididymal Infarctions Associated With Chronic Obstructive Urolithiasis in a Suffolk Ram

Z. Bani Ismail1, R. Al-Rukibat1 and M.B. Al-Zghoul1
  • 1 Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan


A 2-year-old, Suffolk ram with ruptured urethra due to complete obstruction by calculi was treated by tube cystostomy. The surgical procedure was successful in bypassing the obstruction; however the patency of the urethra was never restored. Despite surgical and medical treatment, the condition of the ram was deteriorated and the ram was euthanized. Necropsy identified multifocal renal and epididymal infarcts. Histologically, there were multiple thrombotic small and medium sized arteries through out both kidneys and epididymis. Renal and epididymal infarctions due to thrombotic lesions should be suspected in small ruminants suffering from chronic obstruction of the urethra.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Volume 2 No. 1, 2007, 29-31


Submitted On: 19 May 2007 Published On: 31 March 2007

How to Cite: Bani Ismail, Z., Al-Rukibat, R. & Al-Zghoul, M. (2007). Renal and Epididymal Infarctions Associated With Chronic Obstructive Urolithiasis in a Suffolk Ram. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 2(1), 29-31.

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  • Urolithiasis
  • infarcts
  • renal
  • epididymis
  • ruminants