Gross Anatomy of the Stomach of the Oryx dammah (Cretzschmar, 1826)
- 1 University of the Republic, Uruguay
- 2 , Tunisia
Problem statement: The Oryx antelope is a grazing ruminant of the Bovidae family. The macroscopic anatomy of the stomach in one adult Oryx dammah, an extinct species in the wild, was described. Approach: The stomach of the Oryx was composed of the four classic compartments of the ruminants. The weight of all the full stomach was 21.5 kg. The ruminal papillae were distributed unevenly in the rumen. Results: The maximum height of the cristae reticuli was 0.3 cm. The Cellulae reticuli were divided and contained secondary and tertiary crests. The Curvatura omasi measured 30.0 cm and the omasum had 15 primary, 9 secondary, 30 tertiary and 34 cuaternary Laminae omasi. The abomasum had about 17 Plicae spirales abomasi. Conclusion/Recommendations: We concluded that the stomach morphology of the Oryx had characteristics of the others grazing feeders ruminants. An important limitation of this study is the fact that we used only one animal, further studies of the digestive system of this species are necessary.
Copyright: © 2012 William Perez and Hassen Jerbi. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 1 Citations
- Grazing feeders ruminants
- macroscopic anatomy
- dissected immediately
- stomach morphology
- anatomical description
- dissected immediately