Research Article Open Access

Breeding Qualities of Aberdeen-Angus Cows of Different Genotypes in Northern Kazakhstan

Pavel Shevchenko1, Raushan Rychshanova1, Kulyay Suleimanova1, Zhanaidar Bermukhametov1, Jan Miciński2 and Inna Brel-Kisselevа1
  • 1 Institute of Applied Biotechnology, Baitursynov University, Kostanay, Kazakhstan
  • 2 Department of Sheep and Goat Breeding, Faculty of Animal Bioengineering, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Olsztyn, Poland


The Aberdeen-Angus breed of cattle is widely used to increase the number of breeding cores and beef production volumes and improve its quality in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The purpose of the research is to study the breeding and adaptive qualities of Aberdeen-Angus cattle in the conditions of the Kostanay region (Northern region of the Republic of Kazakhstan). To achieve this goal, we studied the breeding qualities of imported breeding stock Aberdeen-Angus cows and their breeding use as factors in the formation of productivity in future offspring. In the conditions of Northern Kazakhstan, the breeding qualities of this breed were studied depending on the country of origin. The experimental part of the work was carried out in 2019-2022. Two groups were formed: Group I (n = 288 heads) Kazakh breeding and Group II (n = 100 heads) Estonian breeding, which was grown under the same conditions of feeding and maintenance in "Kolos-firma” LLP of Kostanay region. According to all the considered breeding qualities, superiority was observed in cattle of Estonian breeding.

American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences
Volume 18 No. 3, 2023, 217-222


Submitted On: 30 December 2022 Published On: 18 September 2023

How to Cite: Shevchenko, P., Rychshanova, R., Suleimanova, K., Bermukhametov, Z., Miciński, J. & Brel-Kisselevа, I. (2023). Breeding Qualities of Aberdeen-Angus Cows of Different Genotypes in Northern Kazakhstan. American Journal of Animal and Veterinary Sciences, 18(3), 217-222.

  • 1 Citations



  • Adaptation
  • Aberdeen-Angus Breed
  • Breeding Stock
  • Breeding Core Exterior