Research Article Open Access

On the Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analyzing and Classifying the Human Chromosomes

Ibrahiem M.M. El Emary


This study aimed to represent an advanced software tool assists in analyzing and classifying the human chromosomes. Our new software handles both classifying and analyzing the medical image of human chromosomes according to the following steps: 1- we use the image processing utilities in Matlab to analyze the image; where we provide a new filter to remove the noise depending on the objects that exists in the image. 2- The filtered image enters to a segmentation algorithm to segment this image to the most acceptable one. 3-The segments will enter two tracks for classifying the chromosomes that are contained in the segment: the first one depends on using the image processing for measuring the length of each chromosome; while the second one deals with initiating the neural network to classify the chromosomes according to the chromosomes characteristics. There is a noticeable enhancement in the image processing approach as a result of using our filter which improve the image quality by a factor equal to 91.7%.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 2 No. 1, 2006, 72-75


Submitted On: 23 August 2005 Published On: 31 January 2006

How to Cite: El Emary, I. M. (2006). On the Application of Artificial Neural Networks in Analyzing and Classifying the Human Chromosomes . Journal of Computer Science, 2(1), 72-75.

  • 10 Citations



  • Matlab
  • multi-layer feed forward neural network
  • backpropagation
  • skeletonization
  • image profile
  • metaphase