A Novel Routing Technique against Packet Dropping Attack in Adhoc Networks
Problem Statement: Mobile adhoc networks (MANETs) were extensively used in defense and rescue applications. The dynamic topology of MANETs allows nodes to join and leave the network at any point of time. This dynamic property of MANET has rendered it vulnerable to various security attacks. Many trust establishment methods were proposed to increase the security in MANET. In this paper we propose a new trust based relationship among the nodes to combat the packet dropping attack. Approach: In the proposed scheme we considered the dynamic source routing protocol for simulation due to its common usage and flexible nature. Network simulator-2 was used for the simulation and the standard DSR and proposed relationship enhanced DSR were compared. Results: The result of the proposed scheme was compared with the standard DSR protocol. The performance metrics such as normalized throughput, packet delivery ratio, dropped data packets and ratio between the total drop and malicious drops were used for the comparison study. The results obtained prove that the proposed scheme outscores the traditional DSR protocol in all aspects. Conclusions/Recommendations: The proposed trust enhanced dynamic source routing protocol provides the solution for the possible packet dropping attack in an adhoc network. As the results show it has enhanced technique for encountering such type of attacks when compared to the traditional DSR protocol.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.3844/jcssp.2008.538.544
Copyright: © 2008 N. Bhalaji, Sinchan banerjee and A. Shanmugam. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.
- 7 Citations
- Mobile adhoc networks
- Dynamic source routing protocol
- Novel routing
- grudger protocol