Research Article Open Access

Performance Metrics of Multipath State Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer using Redundant Transfer in Stream Control Transmission Protocol Multihoming for Symmetric Paths

M. Subramaniam and D. Manjula


Problem statement: In multihomed host, if data transfer starts using CMT, unaware of paths status causes delay in data transfer or packet loss due to path failure. Transmission Path (one or more paths) failures result in out-of-order data delivery causing receiver buffer blocking and preventing sender from transmitting further data. Approach: Multipath State Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer using Redundant Transfer (MSACMT-RT), status of multipath is determined, initially and periodically before transmission. Data transfer begins immediately after determining the path status, for a particular interval of time and later transfers with CMT only for predefined period. Results: We discuss MSACMT-RT performance in symmetric paths with the constrained receiver buffer (rbuf) value of 128 and 256KB’s. Our simulation result shows Percentage of throughput Increase between 5-15% for transfer of 20 and 40MB file sizes. Conclusion: By using MSACMT-RT we infer that our algorithm outperforms on par or better but never worse than Concurrent Multipath Transfer Potentially Failed (CMT-PF). MSACMT-RT mechanism in alternate paths increases the throughput during aggressive failures and Non-failure scenarios. Larger the file sizes of file transfer, greater the degree of throughput with less transfer time is achieved.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 7 No. 12, 2011, 1859-1866


Submitted On: 17 August 2011 Published On: 21 October 2011

How to Cite: Subramaniam, M. & Manjula, D. (2011). Performance Metrics of Multipath State Aware Concurrent Multipath Transfer using Redundant Transfer in Stream Control Transmission Protocol Multihoming for Symmetric Paths. Journal of Computer Science, 7(12), 1859-1866.

  • 2 Citations



  • Receiver buffer
  • Stream Control Transmission Protocol (SCTP)
  • Round Trip Time (RTT)
  • symmetric paths
  • Concurrent Multipath Transfer Potentially Failed (CMT-PF)
  • aggressive failures
  • non-failure scenarios