Research Article Open Access

Real-Time Volume Shadow using Visible-Non Visible Algorithm

Hoshang Kolivand, Mohd Shahrizal Sunar, Azam Amirshakarami and Zhila Ranjbari


Problem statement: Shadows are most important effect to make realistic games and visually appealing images, but they are poor in frame per second. Silhouette detection is most important phases to create real-time shadow. Approach: Present study describes a real-time shadow generated with volume shadow algorithm using Visible-Non Visible algorithm (VNV) in virtual environment illuminated by a movable light source to improve the frame per second. Silhouette detection that is most expensive part of shadow creation was described. Triangular method and VNV method were compared. An improved algorithm for volume shadow was proposed and volume shadow using both methods in C++ Opengl implemented. Results: The VNV algorithm increases the number of Frame Per Second (FPS) and as a result decreases the cost of implementation. Conclusion: A verified algorithm for volume shadow makes it easy to understand by everyone how to produce real-time shadow in outdoor and indoor virtual environment. It is possible to use it in current commercial games or other virtual reality systems.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 7 No. 7, 2011, 980-985


Submitted On: 18 December 2010 Published On: 28 June 2011

How to Cite: Kolivand, H., Sunar, M. S., Amirshakarami, A. & Ranjbari, Z. (2011). Real-Time Volume Shadow using Visible-Non Visible Algorithm. Journal of Computer Science, 7(7), 980-985.

  • 2 Citations



  • Real-time shadow
  • volume shadow
  • silhouette detection
  • stencil buffer