Research Article Open Access

Uniform Twister Plane Generator

Aleksei F. Deon1 and Yulian A. Menyaev2
  • 1 N.E. Bauman Moscow State Technical University, Russia
  • 2 University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences, United States


Random plane generators may use various types of the random number algorithms to create multidimensional planes. At the same time, the discrete Descartes random planes have to be uniform. The matter is that using the concept of the uncontrolled random generation may lead to a result of weak quality due to initial sequences having either insufficient uniformity or skipping of the random numbers. This article offers a new approach for creating the absolute twisting uniform two-dimensional Descartes planes based on a model of complete twisting sequences of uniform random variables without repetitions or skipping. The simulation analyses confirm that the resulted random planes have an absolute uniformity. Moreover, combining the parameters of the original complete uniform sequences allows a significant increase in the number of created planes without using additional random access memory.

Journal of Computer Science
Volume 14 No. 2, 2018, 260-272


Submitted On: 1 November 2017 Published On: 26 February 2018

How to Cite: Deon, A. F. & Menyaev, Y. A. (2018). Uniform Twister Plane Generator. Journal of Computer Science, 14(2), 260-272.

  • 8 Citations



  • Pseudorandom Number Generator
  • Stochastic Sequences
  • Congruential Numbers
  • Twister Generator
  • Random Plane
  • Random Field